by Paula Commodore | Jan 26, 2021
SOCIAL MEDIA MINISTRY The social media ministry serves to engage and promote interaction and followup with the virtual viewing audience during Sunday worship services and other services taking place throughout the week. Persons serve in the ministry as Chat...
by Paula Commodore | Jan 26, 2021
PEW MINISTRY The Pew Ministry is a pastoral support ministry that consists of pew disciples trained to facilitate the needs and concerns of the Ebenezer congregation. Pew Disciples are trained in the areas of service, discipleship, and evangelism. Pew Disciples are...
by Paula Commodore | Jan 26, 2021
PARKING MINISTRY Safely manage traffic flow of vehicles and pedestrians entering and leaving worship services each week. Work in partnership with Prince George’s County police and the church security team to identify any possible issues with traffic flow,...
by Paula Commodore | Jan 26, 2021
MULTI-MEDIA MINISTRY The multimedia ministry supports the production of all live Sunday services, rehearsals, weddings, funerals, and special events via enhanced and interactive live video, video graphics and high-quality audio communications support. Critical roles...