About Us
Church Operations Status
The church is open under normal operating procedures.
Worship services are held in-person and online at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. Bible Study on Wednesdays is virtual only at 7 pm. You can view our worship services on our website, on live.ebenezerame.org or on our YouTube channel.
All in-person meetings and activities are taking place under normal operating procedures. Ministries can still conduct conference calls and online meetings as needed.
You may continue to give your tithes and offerings by going to our website and clicking on “online giving”. There are several ways that you can give, including credit card, Paypal, via the Givelify and Tithely apps or by texting “GIVE” to 833-702-0241. Or you may mail or drop off your donations to Ebenezer A.M.E. Church, 7707 Allentown Road, Ft. Washington, MD 20744.
Prayer and Outreach
If you are in need of prayer, please use the prayer requests form on our website.
If you are in need of any other assistance, please call our hotline number at 301 248-9850 or the church office at (301) 248-8833.
Connect with Us

7707 Allentown Road
Fort Washington, Maryland 20744
Phone: (301) 248-8833
Hotline: (301) 248-9850
Virtual Services Help Desk: (301) 298-8704 or helpdesk@ebenezerame.org
Service Times
Worship Services (on-site and virtual)
Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
Bible Study (Virtual)
Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.
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