The Missionary Society is a Connectional component of the AME church. We are called to discipleship to grow in knowledge and experience of God through Jesus Christ, committed to support the mission of the church, and, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are challenged to help one another engage in ministry and action, and grow and respond in faith to God’s redemptive plan for the church, the society, and the world. We do this through mission work within and around the community as well as across the world. We maintain a financial support system to carry out the mission of the organization.
Men are welcomed and are referred to as Associates. The women are Missionaries. The Young Peoples Division and Young Adult Missionaries are a part of the Missionary Society.

Scriptural Reference: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Meeting Day/Time: Meets via Zoom on the 3rd Thursday of Each Month
For more information email us at missionarysociety@ebenezerame.org