The Ebenezer Girl Scout Youth Ministry views its programs as a means of outreach to youth in the community. Girl scouting is one way to help girls, from 5 – 17, learn and grow into responsible young women. The Ministry’s mission is: to help girls and young ladies develop strong values reflecting respect of God, county, humankind, and self, in order to make ethical choices over their lifetime and build character and skills for success in the real world. Activities include: trip to Six Flags Amusement Park, the Kennedy Center, ice skating, Hershey Park, health and fitness workshops and exercises and camping. Our ministry is open to scouts from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
We are seeking volunteers to serve as girl scout troop leaders. Troop leaders encourage girls to build confidence while trying new things. If you would like to work with the ministry in any capacity, please contact the Girl Scout Ministry.

Scriptural Reference: Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way she should go: and when she is old, she will not turn from it. (NIV)
Meeting Date/Time: Contact us for the meeting schedule
For more information, email